Friday, November 03, 2006,5:27 PM
Listening to the Rain
When I was young I listened to the rain
On the Towers of Song:
Red Candles glowed through thin gauze curtains,
Bedroom curtains, all night long.

In my prime of life I listened to the rain
On the roof of a boat:
From the westering wind a wild goose echoed
The exile's anguish dumb in my throat.

Now that I'm old I listen to the rain
On the temple tiles:
Hair flecked with white, I sit and wonder
Why meetings, partings, tears and smiles
Prove in the end to have had no meaning.

It is nearly day.
I sit and listen as the rain's pit patter
On the steps below me dies away.
posted by Jati
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,5:15 PM
The Lonely Pass
The Sun was setting as I struggled
Up to this mountain-pass
Where, for a grip between bare rock,
Stun trees and ragged grass
Struggle with the same dry fierceness
As, between their dry
Leaves, the few small flowers strain
For a smidgin of the sky.

Listening to the nightjars call,
I think I understand
The sadness in all exiles,
That need for a native land
Which, all around me, francolins
Repeatedly insist
In voices tired with homelessness
Must, known or not, exist.

I stand here halted. Suddenly
These things at which I stare,
Sky and mountain, once so loved,
Are seen as solely there
As images on whose half-truths
I need no more rely.

My native land is loneliness,
My only need is I.
posted by Jati
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,1:02 PM
group 2 2005
The Elizabethan Era

The Elizabethan Era is the period associated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I ( 1558-1603 ) and is often considered to be golden age in English Literature and poetry. This was saw of flowering English Literature and Poetry. This was also the time during which Elizabethan theatre grew and William Shakespeare, among others, composed plays that broke away from England's past style of plays.

The greates literature created during the Elizabethan period falls into two categories : Poetry and Drama. It was also influenced by the Italian Sonnets. English poets began to construct their own variations on the intricate, highly structured poetic form (during the reign of Hendry VIII).

Altough the shakespeare,who is commonly associated with Drama,out he. he suited his own purposes in an elaborate sequence of over 100 sonnets. Queen and her aristrocracy gave the very good respect , praise, and also patronage to the pursuit of literary life. So,it was viewed as an admirable and worthy endeavor.

The other great literary achievement of the Elizabethan period was drama, a form which was rooted in centuries of popular folk entertaiment and which had been adapted into yhe religious plays of the middle ages. In that Era, the theatre was a true common denaminator. Everyone, regardless of social class, enjoyed the spectacle of elizabethan theatre. One of the public Theatres in London such as "The globe" used to settle down for an afternoon performance to preede the fairs , street carnivals etc. One of the most playwright of the day as Shakespeare.

·Elyzabethan Poetry and Prose
The poet who introduced the Elizabethan age proper was Edmund Spenser . In 1579 he produced “The Stepherd's Calendor “.The poems are unequal. There are various subjects : praise of queen Elizabeth, discussion about religion, the Faerie Queene (1589-1596).

A kind of novel began in the Elizabethan age : Lyey's Euphues (1578 and 1580)started a fashion which spread in book and conversation. John Luly was employed at court . Euphis has a thin love story , which is used for the purpose of giving Luly's Ideas in various talk and letters. The style is filled with trick and alliteration; the sentences are long and complicated. This kind of style of style common in the conversation of ladies of the time. Queen Elizabeth herself used it. Even Shakespeare was influenced by this artificial style.

The Prose of Francis Bacon is important. Bacon an eminet lawyer and also judge. In “advancement of learning”(1609)the broadest statement of his grand schemen and a monument of his massive prose. His “essays” especially are popular still. The sentences in the earlier essays are short, sharp and effective.

·Elizabethan Drama
The chief literary glory of the great Elizabethan age was its drama. But, in general comedies are better than tragedies. One of the regular english comedy was Ralph Roister Doister (1553) by Nicholas Udall. One of the regular english tragedy was Gorboduc (1564) in blank verse. It was written by Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackuille.

The first great dramatist ef the time was Christopher Marlowe H.and S, tragedy,”Tamburline the Great”(1587 or earlier), is in two parts. It is written in the splendid blank verse that Marlowe brought to the stage.

The order in which the play of William Shakespeare were written in uncertain. It is known that he was an actor and dramatis by 1592. shakespeare's earliest work is probably seen in certain historical plays. Perhaps he began his work as a dramatist by improving the work of oyher writers.

Arraged by:
Group II
1. Nur Israfyan Sofyan (A1D203100)
2. Wa Saripah (A1D204094)
3. Sitti Asniar (A1D204091)
4. Hidayah (A1D204101)
5. Elis Darlia Rimbun (A1D204098)
6. Muh.Idul Fatra (A1D204093)
7. Suhartini Syukri (A1D205034)
8. Kiki Reski Wulandari (A1D205082)
9. Niken Purnamasari (A1D205088)
10.Safaruddin (A1D205049)
11.Rasyid Sabi (A1D205041)
12.Nurul Halifah (A1D205011)
13.Tamal Sosi (A1D205019)
14.Rosmawati (A1D205100)
posted by yaya
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