Thursday, June 26, 2008,8:51 AM
Tight relationship amongst era
1. The relationship between one period to the other period is too tight. for instance, every new writers either poet, prose or drama etc, will take a great deal of learning from the writers and authors in previous period. A simple describing is that the greatest poet (Beowulf, an epic) with unknown author in old english use the old language and the form of that poet is not well-form. But the reader can take a great lesson from it. In the medievel english period the poets try to do better which base their creativities on message form of old english. They write "epic" better. Period by period many writers appears by well understanding about the situation period but they don't forget to make a message to the readers by their writings. For example, in elizhabethan period the women may go to school but they are still bonded by regulations and at time.2. Of course. It will influence new theories which come later because the new theories will base their ideas, opinions on critism theory. They will create theories carefully.
Member:1. Masidi2. Arbianto3. Labania4. Muhammad muaz5. Marni rahman6. Dina novalion dini
posted by yaya
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,8:18 AM
The Relationship amongst the period of English Literature

The relationship between English literature from one era and others is intertwining. For example, we can see in Romeo and Juliet’s drama in Elizabethan era that it is still exists until now.
Yes, they will. They will involve because the last authors learnt the previous theory. After that, they will make their own theory. For example, we can see in reign of Charles I (1625 - 42), English Renaissance theater experienced its concluding efflorescence. The last works of Ben Jonson appeared on stage and in print, along with the final generation of major voices in the drama of the age: John Ford, Philiph Massinger, James Shirley, and Richard Brome. With the closure of the theatres at the start of the English Civil War in 1642, drama was suppressed for a generation, to resume only in the altered society of the English Restoration in 1660.

Name: Faridawati (20613013)
Maulina (20613037)
Syurmin Mansyur (20613059)
Uni Hadrayanti (20613060)
posted by yaya
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