Old english literature? Actually i dont know about this one, i've never learn about it. Its the first time that i've learn. So maybe i just give some conclusion about this 2nd assigment based on the text that i have read.Anglo-saxon is the other name of old english language. There are many poems in Old english. The greatest poem is Beowulf. it tells about the story in poetry of the adventures of a brave man. its describe about life in those old days.Generally, all of the poem things are described indirectly and incombination of words, there so many different structure and language (an ancient words) of course. So maybe we have to analize it very well.Actually, theres no one knows how to read it include me except by those who have made a special study of it.For me, as a reader its too difficult to understand.Hopefully i can learn this subject nicely because im still confuse untill now..
Nurkhalishah_SagiChildishA1D 205 102EngDept05boWWW..